As a teen, you probably have a lot on your plate. From dealing with stress over school to facing peer pressure, it can feel like each day brings new challenges. But you can prioritize affordable forms of self-care to manage stress in a healthy way. If you want to protect your mental health, these self-care ideas from Leandra Ramm won’t strain your budget, either!
Practice Setting Boundaries
Setting boundaries doesn’t always come naturally. But this is an essential form of self-care that won’t cost you anything – and it’s also a skill that will serve you well throughout your adult years. If you’re dealing with peer pressure, learning to set boundaries is the key to forming healthier relationships. Speak up in a calm way if someone is pushing your boundaries, and don’t be afraid to put distance between those who continuously disrespect your boundaries.
Spend Time in Nature
If you feel like you spend lots of time outside of school looking at a screen, it’s time for a change of pace. From hiking to kayaking to jogging, making an effort to spend more time outside is a powerful form of self-care for people of all ages. In fact, just being in nature supports your mental health and reduces anxiety.
When you want to go beyond your backyard and plan a camping trip, you need the right gear. For instance, you’ll need to invest in a tent, reliable hiking boots, and a camping stove. You’ll also need to pick up a cooler. Make sure that any cooler you choose features high-quality insulation and can fit all of the food you need. You should also ensure that you can comfortably carry it!
Yoga and Meditation
You can easily enjoy yoga and meditation as a teen! If you want to pick up these relaxing hobbies, you might want to look into age-appropriate classes in your area or online. Keep an eye out for discounted classes or free online options – this will definitely help you keep costs down. Both yoga and meditation are highly beneficial for your body and mind. And once you’ve got the skills down, you can practice yoga and meditation at home on your own, which is a great way to improve your surroundings and help train yourself to think more positively.
Sign Up for a Library Card
Reading can whisk you away to another world. And when you’re a teen, sometimes all you want to do is escape. But what if it’s been a while since you picked up a good book? It’s never too late to get into this hobby. If you want to read more books, The Every Girl recommends bringing a book with you everywhere you go! You can stash a paperback in your purse or backpack so that you can knock out a few pages of reading while you wait for appointments or have downtime between classes.
Get Creative
Picking up a new creative hobby can provide you with a valuable outlet for self-expression. When you’re working on an artistic project, you’re channeling your energy into something productive – and chances are, you’ll feel proud of your finished product, which is a self-esteem boost! And creative hobbies do not have to be expensive. You can always look for deals at craft supply stores or think about hobbies you can try out with supplies you already have at home. Little Coffee Fox recommends writing or bullet journaling, cross-stitching, photography, painting, baking, or even making origami!
Life as a teen can be tough. Even though you’re young, you’re juggling lots of responsibilities! With these self-care tips, you’ll be able to find relief during difficult times.
Leandra Ramm is a remarkably versatile mezzo-soprano and actress with an “extraordinary voice” (Anderson Cooper 360), whose “beautiful and quite moving” (Nordstjernan Newspaper) performances have graced prestigious venues including Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, the United Nations, and Symphony Space. Feel free to get in touch!
Photo via Pexels
Article contributed by Virginia Cooper of learnaliving.co